The answer to the question posed in this title is obvious.
You’d do a Star Wars themed wedding if you were big Star Wars fans and loved to do costuming.

If that’s you, then you’re guaranteed an amazingly colorful wedding that will be packed with gorgeous visuals, pomp, and spectacle if this is the route you choose for your wedding.

star wars weddingIf you’re a big enough Star Wars fan that this is how you want to tie the knot, then the chances are good that you know some other like-minded SW fans who also like to dress up in SW costumes.
Be nice to them.
You’re going to need them to be your Maid of Honor and Bridesmaids, Best Man and Groomsmen, and so on.

Depending on how wide your circle of costume-loving friends is, you might be able to recruit a whole army of Jedis, Storm Troopers and weird alien critters to help in the ceremony and lend an authentic atmosphere to the whole affair.
Ask them if they have any sets or backdrops they use when they attend conventions and other appearances.
Maybe you can find a beautiful, appropriate Star Wars-themed background that you can borrow at no cost?
The thing is, it never hurts to ask.

Once you’ve decided to stage a gala Star Wars wedding, put your heads together and start brainstorming ways to add unique Star Wars touches to your nuptials.
For instance, you could have the bride marched in by a phalanx of lightsaber-toting Jedis and Padawans, or find a minister or justice of the peace who’d be willing to officiate dressed as Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine.
Ask around.
Maybe one of your costuming buddies is already an ordained minister or got a mail-away license to marry people.
Finally, for your processional, have your friends make an arch of lightsabers for the new bride and groom to walk under as they exit the ceremony.

Taking on a Star Wars theme will also enable you to create a truly wild and unique wedding cake, maybe one shaped like the Death Star or the Millennium Falcon.
You should definitely have a photographer on hand, not just to record the entire ceremony but also to photography any of the guests who’ll want to pose with all the other guests and friends in costume.

With this kind of ceremony, you’re guaranteed a lively and excited crowd and you’ll be making unforgettable wedding memories.